Flickering lights are a common annoyance, but that does not mean that we have to put up with them. If you are lucky, fixing the problem is as easy as changing a light bulb. Unfortunately, you might need to put in a bit more effort to find the solution in some cases. Flickering lights can sometimes warn of more serious electrical problems, which can escalate if you ignore them. Because of this, you should always deal with them promptly. In many cases, that means getting some help from a licensed and experienced electrician. We know that can sound like overkill for a flickering light, but it is often the best or even only solution. The reasons will be clear once you learn what it takes to fix some flickering lights.
Faulty Wiring
If your lights are flickering, you may have trouble with the wires that power them. This is more likely if you are having issues with multiple lights, especially if they are close together. This is also a likely culprit if the wiring is old because wires tend to accumulate damage over time.
If you want to fix this problem, you need to replace the faulty wires. That can be a challenge because most wires run through the walls and you need to find the damaged section. Shoddy work will simply cause more damage, so it is vital to get help from someone who can do it right. A skilled electrician can find the damaged wires quickly and replace them with a minimal impact on the rest of the home. At Childers Air Plumbing & Electric, we can lend a hand if you need to fix wires in Beckley, WV. Our company has over 50 years of experience, so you can count on us to do the job properly.
Overworked Circuits
Electrical circuits can only handle a certain amount of current at a time. Your lights may flicker if your system is overloaded. This often happens when appliances are drawing a lot of power. You may also have this problem if you have a lot of guests plugging their devices into your outlets.
You have a few options for dealing with this problem. The easiest solution is to use less power. Unfortunately, that is often easier said than done. Most of us cannot stop using our ovens or computers just to keep a light from flickering. The good news is that there is an alternative. You can upgrade the wiring in your home so it can cope with all of your devices at once. This is a major project, but it can be worth the effort. After all, if you regularly overload your circuits, it is only a matter of time before other devices start failing. An upgrade will ensure that you can rely on your power supply to survive periods of heavy use.
Faulty Light Bulbs
Of course, sometimes the obvious solution is the correct one. Your lights could be flickering because you have a bad light bulb. Start by making sure the light bulb is properly screwed into the fixture. If that does not work, try replacing the light bulb. It may be wearing out, or if it’s new, it might simply be faulty. This is the first thing you should try if you are having trouble with a single bulb.
In some cases, you might be using the wrong type of light bulb for your fixture. This is probably the case if you have problems with all of your bulbs of the same type. Check the wattage of your bulbs to make sure they match with your fixture. You should also make sure the light bulbs fit properly in the socket. If not, you will need to replace them.
A Failing Power Grid
Your local power grid can get overwhelmed during periods of high demand. In that case, your lights may flicker, and other devices can also struggle. The good news is that this is a temporary problem. Your lights will start working again as soon as the demand for electricity drops. You simply have to wait a little while.
On the other hand, you do not have to deal with that inconvenience. If you want to avoid future problems, you can get a generator for your home. A good generator will provide plenty of power for your essential devices when the public power grid falls short. There are many different options to choose from, so it is important to consider your choices carefully. If you need help exploring those options or installing your generator, you can get in touch with us at Childers Air Plumbing & Electric.
Damaged Switches
Your lights require a connection to a power source to function. They turn on when they have power and turn off when they lose it. The light switch controls that connection. If your switch is faulty, it can constantly connect and disconnect the circuit. You would get the same flickering effect from flipping the switch on and off. Switches wear out over time as people use them. If you have had the same switches for years, this is likely to be your problem.
The only solution is to replace the faulty switch. That is a job for an electrician. All electrical work is dangerous when handled improperly because of the risk of electrocution. Proper safety procedures eliminate most of the risk, but it takes training to implement those procedures. The safest course of action is to leave electrical work to the professionals.
Flawed Fixtures
You might be having trouble with your light fixture. In some cases, you can diagnose this through the process of elimination. If you are having trouble with a lamp, start by changing the light bulbs in it. If the new light bulbs flicker, you have a problem with the wiring or the fixture. You can plug the lamp into a different outlet to see if the wiring is the issue. If the lights are still flickering, the lamp is probably the issue. Other light fixtures can be harder to test because you cannot necessarily unplug them, but the same principles apply. If you can trace the problem to a faulty light fixture, the solution is to repair or replace it.
Let Us Light Up Your Home
Many electrical problems can lead to flickering lights. Some are minor, but others can be serious. That is why you should always address the problem as quickly as possible. The simplest and safest way to do that is to call in a professional electrician. At Childers Air Plumbing & Electric, we have decades of experience fixing these problems for people in Beckley, WV. We would be honored to take a look at your lights and do whatever it takes to fix them. If you need help deciding what to do, we will answer your questions until you make a decision. Reach out to us today so we can start solving your lighting and electrical problems.