Electricity is an essential part of our daily life. However, when there is a problem with the wiring, outlets, or other electrical components, you may want to leave the solution to the professionals. Electricity can be deadly if you do not know how to handle it properly. Here are some of the most common electrical hazards and ways to prevent them in your home.

Electric Shock

If you make a direct connection with faulty equipment or an electrical source, you could experience a shock. Electric shocks can cause everything from mild tingling sensations to fatal injuries. The severity will depend on the voltage, duration of contact, and the path the current takes through the body.

You can get an electrical shock from damaged power cords, faulty equipment, and contact with live electrical parts. Some situations that can lead to an electric shock include:

  • Handling electrical appliances with wet hands
  • Using damaged extension cords
  • Unintentionally coming into contact with live wires while working on construction or maintenance projects

Mild shocks may cause temporary muscle contractions, while severe shocks can result in burns, cardiac arrest, and even death.

Arc Flash

Arc flashes happen when electrical arcs suddenly release energy, creating an explosive burst of light and heat. Usually, this occurs in manufacturing and construction settings. However, it can still happen at home. Arc flashes can result in burns, blast effects, and even fatalities. Equipment malfunctions, damaged insulation, or conductive materials near electrical components can cause these flashes.

Arc flashes can happen in homes but are not as common as in industrial settings where high-voltage electrical systems and heavy-duty equipment are present. Despite the limited risks, you still want to take precautions around electrical equipment in your home.

Electrical Fires

Electrical fires can result from overloaded circuits, faulty wiring, or equipment malfunctions. If you notice any warning signs of a problem, you will want to contact an electrician as soon as possible. Some signs of problems include:

  • Unusual smells
  • Sparking outlets
  • Flickering lights

If a fire starts, it can be difficult to extinguish. Often, it can quickly overtake a building and lead to devastating damage. While some fires can happen without warning, regular electrical system inspections can spot problems before they become a hazard. You will also want to have a few fire safety protocols in place, such as installing fire extinguishers and smoke detectors around your house.

Overloaded Circuits

Overloaded circuits are one of the most common electrical hazards in homes and workplaces. Electrical circuits are designed to carry a specific amount of electrical current. When the amount of current exceeds the circuit’s capacity, it may cause an overload. In turn, that can lead to overheating and a potential fire.

There are several reasons why these circuit overloads occur. Many homeowners connect too many devices to a single outlet. When multiple power strips or extension cords are used to plug in a large number of devices, you can overload the outlet. Additionally, outdated or damaged extension cords can cause overloads since they cannot handle the current flow.

Operating equipment beyond its capacity can also overload a circuit. For example, using a high-wattage appliance on a circuit that is not designed to handle it can cause an overload. You always want to check the wattage of all electrical appliances before plugging them into an outlet.

If you want to prevent overloaded circuits, make sure to practice responsible energy consumption. You should use only a few devices on a single circuit and unplug them when not in use.

For those who have concerns about their home, reach out to experienced technicians. These professionals can make sure your circuit can handle the load. If you need to upgrade, they can also provide you with a few options.

Faulty Wiring

Faulty wiring is a hazard that can lead to electric shock, equipment malfunctions, and fires. Unfortunately, it often goes unnoticed until it causes serious consequences. Some common signs of faulty wiring include:

  • Flickering lights
  • Circuit breakers that frequently trip
  • The smell of burning insulation

Regular inspections and maintenance can identify and address faulty wiring. An electrician can check your home for exposed wires, damaged insulation, or loose connections. Many times, faulty wiring happens because of the age of the home. Whether you have a new or older house, you may want to consider a yearly electrical system inspection.

How To Prevent Hazards in Your Home

Many of these hazards can cause injuries and damage your home. You can prevent the occurrences with a few steps.

Use Protective Equipment

While you may not need the same equipment as those in industrial settings, you can still benefit from using protective gear. For any project, you will need rubber gloves, safety glasses, and insulated tools. These tools can provide an extra layer of protection during routine tasks. For any electrical project more advanced than changing a lightbulb or replacing a light switch, avoid putting yourself at risk by doing it yourself, and enlist the help of a professional electrician.

Use Safety Procedures

When it comes to home electrical maintenance, you can still implement a few lockout/tagout procedures. Before starting any electrical work, make sure the circuits are switched off at the breaker box. You also want to let everyone in the house know you are working on the electricity. During this time, put the pets outside and keep children away from the area. You should prevent anyone from contacting the wires or other electrical components.

Keep Everything Grounded

All electrical outlets must be grounded. If you have two-pronged outlets, consider replacing them with three-pronged ones. Additionally, you may want an electrician to install ground-fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) in areas exposed to moisture, such as kitchens and bathrooms.

Proper grounding can prevent electrical shock hazards for homes with outdoor electrical outlets. Along with that, you may want to ground metal components like fences or railings to reduce the risk of electrical shock during severe weather.

Regular Equipment Maintenance

Regular inspections of your home’s electrical system are always necessary. An electrician can help detect potential hazards before they escalate into serious problems. Electricians look for any signs of wear or damage in power cords, inspect outlets for discoloration, and check the functionality of circuit breakers. If any issues are identified, they will quickly and safely fix them.

You may also want to think about the maintenance of household appliances. Throughout the year, you can check for frayed cords, make sure there is proper ventilation for appliances that generate heat, and address any unusual sounds or smells emanating from electronic devices.

Call the Professionals

When you have an electrical hazard in your home, you need a skilled and qualified electrician to fix the issue. At Childers Air Plumbing & Electric, we have been helping Beckley, WV residents with their heating, cooling, plumbing, and electrical needs. Whether you need to upgrade an outlet or want an inspection of your wiring, we are ready to help with these tasks. Contact Childers Air Plumbing & Electric to schedule a consultation.

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